
The Service List Registry is based on freely available open standards, providing interoperability and ease of integration with client devices, displays and applications, for rapid implementation, deployment and adoption.

Working with the Service List Registry does not involve any special software or equipment. It only requires widely available web development skills and technologies.

DVB-I — The Service List Registry is compatible with the service discovery protocols of the DVB-I standard, a freely-available open specification developed by the DVB Project.

HbbTV — The Service List Registry can be accessed from browser-based environments, including televisions that support the Hybrid broadcast broadband TV standard, which has been updated to integrate DVB-I.

HTTPS — Queries to the Service List Registry fundamentally use HTTPS, the secure version of the Hypertext Transfer Protocol that supports the World Wide Web.

REST — Requests to the Service List Registry can be made from any software that supports the standard GET method with optional query parameters, including web browsers or internet applications.

XML — Responses are returned as text in standard XML document format. These responses can be consumed by any software that supports the XML markup language, including web browsers, and they can be viewed in a simple text editor.

XSD — The structure and semantics of the responses are specified by referenced XML Schema Definition descriptions, allowing them to be formally verified and validated for conformance and consistency.

XSLT — XML responses can be declaratively transformed using XSLT into other XML formats, including HTML. Modern web browsers include native support for XSLT 1.0. There are freely available implementations for many computer languages, including Java, .NET, C/C++, Python, PHP and NodeJS.

JSON — In addition to XML responses, the Service List Registry natively supports the compact JSON or JavaScript Object Notation format, which is readily integrated in modern software environments in many languages.

Service lists provided by the Service List Registry can also be delivered in other formats to support particular platforms and applications, including native iOS or Android apps, using the same core metadata, providing a consistent user experience across different devices and displays.